Publications in ER Archive

The "Publications" and "Manuscripts, documents" are separately managed collections of the Forest Reserve Programme Archive (ER Archive). We are gathering here the publications related to the aims of the Forest Reserve Programme.

Batic, F. et al (1999): Bioindication of different stresses in forest decline studies in Slovenia; Water, Air and Soil Pollution 116: 377-382, 1999; Netherlands 1999
Cater, M. és Batic, F. (1999): Some ecophysiological stress indicátors of pedunculate OAK (Quercus robur L.) in the north easteren of Slovenia; Zbornik gozdarstva in lesartsva, 58, 1999, s. 47-83 1999
Botta-Dukát, Z. & Borhidi, A. (1999): New objective method for calculating fidelity. Example: the Illyrian beechwoods. Annali di Botanica 57: 73-90. 1999
Bába Károly (1999): Ecological and zoogeographical comparative study of sand dunes in the Danube-Tisza Valley, Hungary, and Belgium and the Netherlands; Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Gesellschaft 7.: (19-30) 1999
Dale, M. R. T. (1999): Spatial Pattern Analysis in Plant Ecology. In: Birks, H. J. B. & Wiens, J. A. (eds.): Cambridge Studies in Ecology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1999
Siller I. (1999): Ritka nagygombafajok a Kékes Észak erdőrezervátumban 1. [Rare macrofungi species in the Kékes North forest reserve of the Mátra mountains] Mikol. Közl. (Clusiana) 38 (1-3): 11-24. 1999
Stichmann, W. et al. (1999): Buchennaturwald-Reservate - unsere Urwälder von morgen. NUA-Seminarbericht, Band 4. Natur- und Umweltschutz-Akademie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. 1999
Bartha Dénes (2000): Vörös Lista, Kék Lista, Fekete Lista; "Ember az Erdőért Alapítvány", NYME, 2000, Sopron 2000
Parviainen, J., Bücking, W., Vandekerkhove, K., Schuck, A. & Päivinen, R. (2000): Strict forest reserves in Europe: efforts to enhance biodiversity and research on forests left for free development in Europe (EU-COST-Action E4). Forestry 73(2): 107-118. 2000
Kovács-Láng E, Fekete G, Horváth F, Molnár Zs, Török K, Vácrátót és Tardy J, Demeter A, Budapest: Development and implementation of a National Biodiversity Monitoring Programme in Hungary. Schriftenr.Landschaftpflege Naturschutz, H.62,(59-68), 2000, Bonn 2000
Vicherek et al. (2000): Flóra a vegetace na soutoku Moravy a Dyje .[Flora and vegetation at the confluence of the Morava and Dyje rivers.] Masarykova univerzita, Brno 2000
Rankinen, Katri et al (2000): Using Models in NoLIMITS; NoLimits Report 3. Helsinki 2000
Box, Elgene O (2000): Vulnerability of plant communities to breakup under global warning: An index of community integrity; IAVS Symposium,pp. 307-311, USA 2000
Molnár Zs. és Kun A. (2000): Alföldi erdőssztyeppmaradványok Magyarországon. WWF füzetek 15., WWF Magyarország, Budapest 2000
Unser Wald (2000): Die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft in Deutschland; Hamburg 2000
Belward, A. et al (2000): Earth Observation and NoLIMITS. NoLIMITS Report 4. UK. 2000
Firbank, L.G. et al: Assessing stock and change in land cover and biodiversity in GB: an introduction to Countryside Survey 2000 2000
Topográf Térképészeti Iroda (2000): Szlovákia, 1:400 000. Autóstérkép magyar településnevekkel. 2000
Simpson, Ian and Parr, Terry (2000): NoLIMITS Workshop Synthesis Report. NoLIMITS Report 7. UK. Merlewood. 2000
Oszako, T. & Delatour, C. [eds.] (2000): Recent advances on oak health in Europe. Forest Research Institute, Warsaw 2000