Publications in ER Archive

The "Publications" and "Manuscripts, documents" are separately managed collections of the Forest Reserve Programme Archive (ER Archive). We are gathering here the publications related to the aims of the Forest Reserve Programme.

Jávor, B. & Gálhidy, L. (2005): Hungary: forest degradation with State assistance. FERN Briefing Note, EU Forests. 2005
MCPFE (2005): MCPFE Work Programme. Updated edition, Warszawa, Poland 2005
Munoz, E.S.Mauro és Koch, Ingrid: Environmental Information: Placing Biodiversity Phenomena in an Ecological and Environmental Context. Biodiversity Informatics, 2. (24-41), 2005. 2005
Christensen, M., Hahn, K., Mountford, E.P., Ódor P., Standovár T., Rozenbergar, D., Diaci, J., Wijdeven, S., Meyer, P., Winter, S. & Vrska, T. (2005): Dead wood in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forest reserves. Forest Ecology and Management 210:267-282 2005
Fésű J. Gy. és Nagy M. (2005): Kultúra és fenntarthatóság. Tájékoztató kiadvány. In: Nagy M. (szerk.): Stratégiai Tervezési Füzetek IV. Pont a kultúráért. Kultúrpont Iroda, Budapest 2005
Buchwald, Erik (2005): A hierarchical terminology for more or less natural forests...; Third Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions, Rome, 11-19. January, 2005 2005
Bücking, W. et al (2005): Bannwald "Bechtaler Wald"...Waldschutzgebiete, Band 8. Baden-Württemberg 2005
Deák István (2005): Az apróvad és vadászata Erdélyben. Gyöngyös 2005
Wesołowski, T. (2005): Virtual Conservation: How the European Union is Turning a Blind Eye to Its Vanishing Primeval Forests. Conservation Biology 19(5): 1349-1358. 2005
Minoura, T, Halim, S, and Albader, B: WebGD Framework and WebGD-Gen Application Generator. 17th international konference on Santific and statistical database management.Santa Barbara, CA 2005. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, pp. 55-58 2005
A. Bobiec; et al (2005): The Afterline of a Tree; WWF, Poland, Varsó 2005
Guralnick, R., Neufeld D.: Challenges building online GIS Services to support global biodiversity mapping and analysis: Lessons from the mountain and plains database and informatics project. Biodiversity Informatics, 2. (56-69), 2005. 2005
Romanello S., et al: Creating and Providing Data Management Services for the Biological and Ecological Sciences: Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge. Santa barbara, C1, (28-31), 2005. 2005
Mátrai, K., Szemethy, L., Tóth, P., Katona, K. & Székely, J. (2004): Resource use by red deer in lowland nonnative forests, Hungary. Journal of Wildlife Management 68(4): 879-888. 2004
Pommerening, A. & Murphy, S. T. (2004): A review of the history, definitions and methods of continuous cover forestry with special attention to afforestation and restocking. Forestry 77(1): 27-44. 2004
Ostermann, R.(2004): Vegetationsdynamik in Bannwaldern des Taubergießengebietes...Waldschutzgebiete Baden-Württemberg; Band 4. 2004
Bartha Dénes és nagy Anikó (2004): Threatened tree and shrub species in Hungary; Folia Oecologica-vol.31. no.2.(2004): 136-144 2004
Voloscuk, Ivan (2004): Tree species composition of natural geobiocoenoses in forest types in Slovakia; vol. 31, no. 2. (2004): 122-135; Folia Oecologica 2004
Exner T. Máthé L (2004): A természetközeli erdőtelepítés lehetőségei Magyarországon. WWF füzetek 23, Budapest 2004
Bartha D, Gadó Gy.P, Szabó G et al (2004): Így is lehet fát vágni! Az erdőgazdálkodás jövője a budai erdőkben; Budapest 2004